I really hope you use this to help you study. You can e-mail me if you have any questions. If you are really stuck, maybe we can get a study group together and meet at the PL library. Remember, you will not be able to use your notes or calculators on this test!
Here are some examples of multi-step equations that have fractions and decimals. Today we cleared them so that we were able to solve the problems without them.
Can you believe we survived another day??!!! Today we talked about the difference between rational and irrational numbers. We also added and subtracted integers. Check it out!
I know, I know, I can't believe it either! Homework on the first night of school??!! What can I say? It is a huge jump from Pre-Algebra to Algebra! I will do all I can to help you stay on-track and to teach you everything you need to know in order to earn your first high school credit.
You can access the class syllabus on my correiamiddle.com page. Your parent/guardian will need to sign off on viewing it. As for your homework, the first chapter of the book is a review of what you did last year...so it shouldn't be a problem for you. In case you forgot what to do, I will be posting notes online.